PowerSite Free vs PowerSite Pro Single Property Websites

You can now choose between creating either a PowerSite Free or PowerSite Pro single property Website.

Both are created using the Create New PowerSite button. Having added property details you publish your PowerSite and can then choose if you want our PowerSite Free or PowerSite Pro. But how do they differ?

Here are the differences:

How Much Commuting Time Could Home Office Save?

Source: Statista

It’s four years on since the start of the pandemic and by now many employees and employers have experienced the advantages (and disadvantages) of working from home. Arguably, one of the biggest positive effects is the time saved by not having to commute to work.

A recent survey conducted by Statista Consumer Insights asked respondents in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany how long it generally takes them to get to work. As this chart shows, a fairly similar pattern emerges across the three data sets, with the most popular response being 15-29 minutes, while fewer said they would take over an hour in one direction. But even short times add up: For people who commute just 15 minutes in one direction, that’s still two and a half hours for a round trip across a five-day working week. If people are commuting for an hour in one direction, that’s 10 hours.

Infographic: How Much Commuting Time Could Home Office Save? | Statista